Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hello everyone! I hope you have a fabulous last day of school. I'm going to keep writing the blog during the rest of my time in DC. You might not hear from me every day, but I hope that many of you will continue to read the blog over the summer. My last day in Congressman Altmire's office is July 17.

Today I thought I'd show you some pictures I have taken during my first week in the Capitol. I've included captions below each picture.

It was truly a pleasure to teach all of you this year. I hope that you'll continue to stay in touch in the future. Best of luck in the Intermediate High School!

Ms. Mitnick

This is a picture of Copley Hall, which is the dorm I am staying in. It's an impressive building, though it's hard to see because of the trees.

This is Healy Hall. The students call this the Harry Potter Building, and you can see why. Notice the John Carroll statue in front. He was the founder of Georgetown University.

This is taken from behind the John Carroll statue. Notice the rainbow!

This picture was too good to pass up. See the little bird sitting on top of John Carroll's head? He's been there in the evenings almost every day. He seems to be enjoying the rainbow.

This is the Library of Congress. I'll be taking a tour of it later in the summer. The inside of the building is also impressive.

Here is a picture of the Capitol Building. Notice all the construction going on. They are building a massive visitor's center underground. They were working on this when I was here back in 2002. It's an enormous project.

Two views of the Supreme Court Building. Think about your Greek history from last year. Of what does this remind you?

A closer look at the Supreme Court's facade.

The famous Marbury v. Madison ruling -- engraved on the wall inside the Supreme Court Building.

The Supreme Court Room. If you look very closely, you can see the black chairs in which they sit.

Looking out at the Capitol Building through the pillars of the Supreme Court.

The Capitol Building, on a gorgeous summer day.

This is the Longworth House Office Building, where Congressman Jason Altmire's office is. Notice the long line of people out the door waiting to get through security. I wait in this line every morning -- the picture was taken around 9am. Notice also the Capitol Building in the upper right. Congressman Altmire has to walk from his office to the Capitol Building every time there's a vote. I think it's a neat picture :o)


Mr. S said...

Ms. Mitnick,

Great pictures. It really brings to life what you are talking about in your blog. Next time put a picture of you on the blog.

Your first period.

Mr. S said...

Ms. Mitnick,

Thanks for an excellent year. We aslo enjoyed your pictures and we miss you on the last week of school.

Your second period.

Mr. S said...

Ms. Mitnick,

Great pictures. You are super awesome. Can't wait to read the next blog. Have a great summer.

Your fifth period class.

Mr. S said...

Ms. Mitnick,

Have a great summer! Thanks for the awesome pictures!

Your sixth period class.

Mr. S said...

Ms. Mitnick,

The pictures are cool. We will miss you a lot next year. Thanks for your great teaching. Update the question binder please. Have a fantabulous summer!

Your seventh period class.

Charlie K. said...

I have been to the Library of Congress last weekend(the week you left for Washington DC). I wondered if the Book of Secret from the movie, National Tresure 2, really existed. This book will contain many of the secrets and conspiracies about US history and time!! Sadly, I did not even get to enter the main reading room, since I needed ID by becoming at least 18 years old :(

From Charlie K.

Joe said...

I wish I was there to see all that you are seeing. Reading all your blogs. Remember my question about the embassy. Have a great summer.

carlito said...

Hi Miss Mitnick, great pictures!! Is the Books 0f Congress really about the people or something else?? I have really enjoyed having you as my Civics Teacher!! You were so funny sometimes with the plays. That one time when we were doing that play, I couldn't stop laughing. I hope to see you in the summer sometime, Love, Carlster